Monday, January 2, 2023

A new beginning can also mean unlocking a suppressed talent!

 My love for writing began a long time ago while still in primary school(grade school in other countries). My writing scores were very strong through high school. After high school, I just stopped writing and this is something that has been bugging me for the longest time. I opened a '' page in 2010 and had my first 'article' still saved in the drafts. I came to in October 2022 which was exactly 12 years since I first saved the draft.

Late in 2022, I told myself that writing on Medium and having a newsletter will be one of my primary targets for 2023. The question I asked myself was, "what will I write about?". The answer came in the form of the obvious," what have I learned (still learning), experienced, or been doing this whole time I haven't been writing?". That answered the question and my writing will keep improving as my thought process and wordplay becomes better through practice.

I am a data analyst and Process automation guy and I am still learning the two(can't call myself a guru yet!) being accountable on this platform should make me make more strides this year!

Writing is in me and your readership is very welcome in this new chapter I have begun writing for myself!